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Class VI- Geography - Climate, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Class VI- Geography - Climate, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife 

The climate of South America

Why South America displays a variety of climates?


The continent of South America lies in both the hemisphere, a small northern part in the Northen Hemisphere and the larger part in the Southern Hemisphere. The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are opposite to those in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, South America displays a large variety of climates.

What are the factors affecting the climate in South America? 
Following factors affect the climate in South America:
  1. Location of the continent
  2. Presence of the Andes Cordillera
  3. Prevailing winds 
  4. Ocean Currents
1) Location of the Continent: 
  • Because of its location seasons are reversed in South America. So there is summer in December and January and winter in June and July. 
  • Since the major part of the continent lies in the tropical zone, the region receives warm sunshine and heavy rainfall throughout the year. 
2) Presence of Andes Cordillera 
  • Andes mountains create a massive barrier between the Pacific Ocean and the rest of the continent of South America. This barrier greatly impacts the climate in the continent.
  • The northern part of Andes is rainy and warm.
  • The west side of the central Andes is extremely dry and includes the Atacama Desert. The east side of central Andes is much wetter.
  • In the south, the western side of the Andes tends to be wet while the eastern plains of Argentina are in the rain shadow area and are very dry.
  • Many peaks in the Andes receive heavy snowfall and have glaciers.
3) Prevailing Winds
  • The northern and eastern part of the continent receives rainfall from the Atlantic ocean by the North-east and South-east trade winds.
  • In the South, the Westerlies bring rainfall from the Pacific Ocean.
  • The Guiana Highlands and Brazil receive heavy rainfall from the North-east and South-east trade winds.
4) Ocean Currents
  • The warm Brazillian current in the East and the cold Peruvian Current in the West greatly influence the climate of the coastal areas.
Distribution of Rainfall in South America
  • Part of the continent which lies in the tropical region receives heavy rainfall throughout the year from the Trade Winds.
  • The areas on either side of the Andes mountains receive less rainfall
  • The South-Western parts get most of the rainfall from the Westerly winds which come from Pacific ocean.  Therefore western part of the Andes is wetter than the eastern side.

Eqatorial Climate
Tropical Climate
Eqatorial climate is found on both sides if the Equator.
Tropical climate us found on both sides if tge Amazon Basin, in the North Orinoco Basin and in the southern part if the Brazilian highlands.
The climate is hot and humid with heavy rainfall throughout the year.
The summers are long, wet and hot with plenty of rainfall, while winters are short, cool and dry.
This type of climate is experienced in most of Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, large parts of Venezuela and Suriname
This type of climate is experienced by Brazil, Venezuela, northern Argentina, western Paraguay and Guyana.

Temperate Grassland
Tropical Grassland
These are called Pampas.
These are call Llanos and Campos in different areas.
Temperate grasslands are found towards the south of Gran Chaco in North-eastern and central Argentina and Uruguay.
Tropical grasslands are found in the Orinoco basin, Guiana Highlands and in the Brazilian highlands.
This is fertile treeless area suitable for cattle grazing, daily farming and whet cultivation.
These are the grasslands of the Savanna type, with tall and coarse grass. Only a few trees are found scattered here and there.
During summer there is moderate rain and the temperatures are warm. Winter is cold. The grass that grows is shorter and softer than the grass of Llanos and Campos
The eastern part of Brazil comes within the belt of the Trade Winds that cross over the ocean, blowing eastwards and bringing heavy rain to the Brazilian East coast. As a result, tropical forests with deciduous trees are found here.

Vegetation in the Atacama desert
Vegetation in the Patagonia Desert
·         The vegetation is very limited because of scanty rainfall.
·         Drought resistant varieties like cactus, prickly pear, scrub and thorny bushes are found here.
The central parts of the steppe are dominated by shrubby and herbaceous plant species to the west, where precipitation is higher and bushes are replaced by grasses.

Guanaco are graceful animals, related to camels but have a head and ears similar to a mule, legs like a stag and tail like a horse.
The llama is a South American relative of the camel without hump.

They are found throughout South America.
These sturdy creatures are domestic animals used by the people of the Andes Mountains.
All guanacos have a thick woolly coat that can be light brown, brownish yellow or a rusty red.