Class Vii : Physics : Energy : QuestionBank


  1. How to calculate work done?
  2. What is the S.I unit of work?
  3. Write the definition of 1 Joule.
  4. Write the definition of energy.
  5. Explain: Work and energy have a direct relationship.
  6. When the body is said to possess the energy of 1 Joule.?
  7. What are the different units of the energy and state their relations?
  8. Write the definition of mechanical energy.
  9. What are two forms of mechanical energy?
  10. How to calculate total mechanical energy?
  11. Give two examples of mechanical energy.
  12. What is heat energy ? Give one example.
  13. Who invented the steam engine? When?
  14. What is light energy?
  15. Why can't we feel the light energy?
  16. Explain the relation of plants and light energy.
  17. What is chemical energy?
  18. Give two example of chemical energy in our life.
  19. Write a note on sound energy.
  20. When can we hear the sound?
  21. When can a bat hear the sound?
  22. What is magnetic energy?
  23. Give one use of the electromagnet.
  24. What is electric energy? Give example.
  25. What is atomic energy?
  26. Give examples of peaceful and destructive purposes of atomic energy.
  27. Why atomic energy is also called nuclear energy?
  28. Write the definition of potential energy. What are the short forms?
  29. Give two examples of potential energy due to objects state and explain.
  30. Write a note on stretched rubber catapult.
  31. Write a note on the hammer and its potential energy.
  32. Write uses of falling stone attached to a pulley and falling water from a height.
  33. Explain the factors affecting the potential energy of a body place at a height.
  34. Write the definition of the kinetic energy. What are the short forms?
  35. Give three examples of kinetic energy and write short notes on them.
  36. What are the factors affecting the kinetic energy?
  37. Give two examples of conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy when put in use.
  38. What is meant by transformation of energy?
  39. Give 10 examples of conversion of energy from one form into another which you find around you in daily life.
  40. State the law of conservation of energy.
  41. State the law of conservation of energy for transformation between potential and kinetic energy.
  42. What is hydro-energy? What is its use?
  43. What is hydro-electricity?

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