Class VII : Civics : The Constitution and The Preamble : QuestionBank

The Constitution and The Preamble
  1. When did India win the independence? From whom?
  2. Define the term 'Constitution'.
  3. What do the rules and regulation in the constitution of  India define?
  4. How do we know that the constitution of India was not imposed on us by the British?   OR   Who framed the constitution of India? 
  5. Who was the chairman of Constituent Assembly? Who were other important members?
  6. When was the first meeting of Constituent Assembly held?
  7. When the constitution of India was passed?
  8. When the constitution of India came into force?
  9. Why 26th January is celebrated as the Republic Day of India?
  10. What is a preamble?
  11. What is the introduction of the constitution called? What does it tell us about the source of the constitution?
  12. What is the source of the constitution?
  13. Who gives the government of India the authority to govern the country?
  14. What does the constitution of India reflect?
  15. Explain the following terms: Sovereign, Democratic, Republic
  16. What are the features of a socialist state?
  17. What are the features of a secular state?
  18. State the objectives of the Constitution with reference to justice, liberty and equality.
  19. Why the fraternity among the people of India is promoted in the constitution of India?