Class VII : Biology : Plant and Animal Tissues

Spellings to Remember 

  1. organism
  2. microscopic
  3. unicellular organisms
  4. multicellular organisms
  5. protoplasm
  6. organelles
  7. tissues
  8. organs
  9. organ systems
  10. fertilised egg = zygote
  11. contractile
  12. meristematic tissues
  13. permanent tissues
  14. Petri dish
  15. sprouts
  16. nuclei
  17. conspicuous
  18. vacuoles
  19. differentiated
  20. Epidermis
  21. waxy
  22. parenchyma
  23. collenchyma
  24. sclerenchyma
  25. intercellular spaces
  26. chlorophyll
  27. elongated
  28. longitudinal section
  29. cross section
  30. spherical
  31. photosynthesis
  32. respiration
  33. buoyancy
  34. aquatic
  35. petioles
  36. vascular tissue
  37. xylem
  38. phloem
  39. tracheids
  40. vessels
  41. xylem parenchyma
  42. xylem fibres
  43. minerals
  44. transpiration
  45. tubular
  46. sieve tubes
  47. phloem parenchyma
  48. phloem fibres
  49. conduction
  50. unidirectional
  51. bidirectional
  52. cambium
  53. Epithelial (covering) tissue
  54. Connective (supportive ) tissue
  55. Muscular (contractile) tissue
  56. Nervous (message conveying) tissue
  57. flat
  58. cuboidal
  59. columnar
  60. Squamous epithelium
  61. Cuboidal Epithelium
  62. Columnar epithelium
  63. Ciliate epithelium
  64. absorption
  65. stomach
  66. intestine
  67. secretory
  68. oviduct
  69. cilia
  70. lashing
  71. cartilage
  72. clear ground substance (matrix)
  73. vertebrates
  74. phosphorous salt
  75. areolar
  76. adipose
  77. tendons
  78. ligaments
  79. blood
  80. lymph
  81. plasma
  82. red blood corpuscles
  83. white blood corpuscles
  84. platelets
  85. leukocytes
  86. blood capillaries
  87. glucose
  88. amino acids
  89. oxygen
  90. connective tissue
  91. supportive connective tissue
  92. fibrous connective tissue
  93. fluid connective tissue
  94. muscular tissue
  95. locomotion
  96. striated
  97. skeletal
  98. striped
  99. voluntary
  100. unstriated
  101. smooth
  102. unstriped involuntary
  103. cardiac
  104. alimentary canal
  105. contraction
  106. iris
  107. urinary bladder
  108. stimulation
  109. nervous tissue
  110. neurons
  111. nerve cell
  112. cyton
  113. nucleus
  114. dendrites
  115. dendrons
  116. axon

Class VII : Physics: Physical Quantities and Measurements

Class VII : Physics: Physical Quantities and Measurements


Definition: The space occupied by an object is called its volume.

Units and their relations :

S.I Unit of Volume: m3

1 m3   =  106 cm3
1 L = 1,000 cm3 = 1,000mL
1mL = 1cm3 = 10-6 m3

Measurement of Volume of regular objects : Formulae

  1. Volume of a cube = (one side) 3
  2. Volume of a cuboid = length x breadth x height
  3. Volume of a sphere = (4π /3 ) x (radius) 3
  4. Volume of  cylinder = π  x  (radius) x height
  5. Volume of cone = ( π / 3 ) (radius)x height 


Definition: The surface occupied by an object is called its area. 

Units and their relations :

S. I unit of Area: m2

1 are = 1 square decametre = 102 m2
1 hectare = 104 m2
1 km2 = 106 m2
1 cm2 = 10-4 m2
1mm2 = 10-6 m2

Measurement of Area of regular objects: Formulae
  1. Area of a squre = (one side) 2
  2. Area of a rectangle = length x breadth
  3. Area of a circle= π x (radius)
  4. Surface Area of a cylinder = 2π  x  radius  x length
  5. Surface Area of sphere =  4π   (radius)2

Definition: The density of a  substance is defined as the mass of a unit volume of that substance.

Density = Mass / Volume
d = M / V

Units and their relations :

S.I Unit of Density = Kg/ m3
C.G.S unit o Density = g/ cm3

g/ cm3 = 1000  Kg/ m3


Definition:  The distance covered by a body in unit time is called the speed of the body.

Speed = Distance traveled / Time taken

Speed (v) = d / t

Units and their relations :

S. I. Unit of time = m/s

1 km/hour = 1/3.6 m/s

3.6 km/h = 1 m/s