Class VII : Physics: Physical Quantities and Measurements

Class VII : Physics: Physical Quantities and Measurements


Definition: The space occupied by an object is called its volume.

Units and their relations :

S.I Unit of Volume: m3

1 m3   =  106 cm3
1 L = 1,000 cm3 = 1,000mL
1mL = 1cm3 = 10-6 m3

Measurement of Volume of regular objects : Formulae

  1. Volume of a cube = (one side) 3
  2. Volume of a cuboid = length x breadth x height
  3. Volume of a sphere = (4π /3 ) x (radius) 3
  4. Volume of  cylinder = π  x  (radius) x height
  5. Volume of cone = ( π / 3 ) (radius)x height 


Definition: The surface occupied by an object is called its area. 

Units and their relations :

S. I unit of Area: m2

1 are = 1 square decametre = 102 m2
1 hectare = 104 m2
1 km2 = 106 m2
1 cm2 = 10-4 m2
1mm2 = 10-6 m2

Measurement of Area of regular objects: Formulae
  1. Area of a squre = (one side) 2
  2. Area of a rectangle = length x breadth
  3. Area of a circle= π x (radius)
  4. Surface Area of a cylinder = 2π  x  radius  x length
  5. Surface Area of sphere =  4π   (radius)2

Definition: The density of a  substance is defined as the mass of a unit volume of that substance.

Density = Mass / Volume
d = M / V

Units and their relations :

S.I Unit of Density = Kg/ m3
C.G.S unit o Density = g/ cm3

g/ cm3 = 1000  Kg/ m3


Definition:  The distance covered by a body in unit time is called the speed of the body.

Speed = Distance traveled / Time taken

Speed (v) = d / t

Units and their relations :

S. I. Unit of time = m/s

1 km/hour = 1/3.6 m/s

3.6 km/h = 1 m/s

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